As a plus size women myself, I am in total support of this #fatkini movement. As soon as I saw it, I posted a photo (that I have previously posted on Insta before) and instantly received 250+ likes. I'm not bragging on how many likes I got, but instead on the SUPPORT I got! When I posted that photo before I got probably less than 50 likes from just friends, but once I wrote #fatkini the plus size community stepped in and virtually high-fived me for it. What a boost of confidence! However, I've noticed some people say "well, that's unfortunate that it's "Fat"kini... " That sparks the big question.
Why #fatkini and not #hotkini or #sexykini?
What an interesting question! I've heard it many times and been asked the same question when being interviewed for an article about the #fatkini trend. Why #FATkini? Here's the answer I keep telling people who ask:
I have fat. You have fat. EVERYONE HAS FAT! No matter how thin or plus size you are, you have fat on your body! Accept it!!! #fatkini isn't (in my opinion) only a place for plus size girls to wear a 2 piece confidently, but instead it's for anyone to be confident in who they are and what they look like. This means every curve, muffin top, big chest, back roll, or every bone showing, flat chest, and thigh gap. Why do these have to be so bad? It's "unhealthy" to be fat or really thin. According to society, there's a perfect in-between that every needs to be or you are not pretty enough. Why must we succumb to this statement? We are who we are! Embrace it.
The word fat has such a negative connotation to it and in todays society it is often synonymous to words like: lazy, ugly, unhealthy, gross, and degrading. While thin is synonymous with words like: hot, beautiful, healthy, inspiring, and better. With the use of #FATkini instead of #HOTkini we are acknowledging that we are fat AND beautiful and are attempting to normalize the word "fat" to make it synonymous with the word "hot". Who says fat in a bathing suit can't be hot? Society? Well then I suggest you look up #fatkini on Instagram and take a look at some of these women. They are stunning in their bathing suits and their confidence radiates off of your screen. Every picture has inspired me to love myself more! Fat is normal. Fat is OK. Fat can be healthy. Everyone, man or woman, is so perfectly made! As a Christian, I believe God designed us so perfectly beautiful: all so differently delightful. Think of it this way: If you got a brand new Ferrari you wouldn't keep it tucked away in the garage all the time where no one can see it, right? Of course not! You would drive it around, show it off, and take it out for a nice car wash every week! This is the same as having a curvy, thin or any other kind of body. I refuse to wear tents to cover my body and not let anyone see what I am:
Fat and Fabulous.
I am opposite of what society says is good looking. I am 6 feet tall, plus size, brown curly hair, brown eyes, and I don't care. I know I am beautiful, as should you! If you are 5'2'' , thin, blonde, and blue eyed: you are Gorgeous! Love yourself, and your inner beauty strengthens your outer x50.
#Fatkini is an incredible Movement. No matter what body type, be confident in what you have. If you need some encouragement, take a look at some of the testimonies of these girls on Insta. The support is overwhelming and contagious. To start you out here are some of the pictures I've posted! Enjoy! :D
Leave comments of what you think of my first real post and any topics you want to hear about or questions you want answered!
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